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Akur8 Stock and Valuation

Year Founded
Paris, France

Akur8 Valuation Estimate

Based on UpMarket valuation model
$29.12 million

Akur8 Valuation as of Last Funding Round

As of 03/12/20, according to PitchBook Data, Inc.
$18.97 million

Want to buy Akur8 stock?

I am an accredited investor and understand that UpMarket has a minimum investment of $50,000.
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over $150 million with UpMarket

Akur8 Company Overview

Akur8 is an insurance software company that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve the speed an accuracy of insurer's pricing policies while improving transparency. Akur8 recently raised $25 million in a closed round of funding and over $60 million in total. Akur8 has also attracted investments from a number of notable investors, including FinTLV Ventures.

Akur8 Valuation History


Does Akur8 have stock?

Yes, Akur8 and almost all privately held companies issue stock so founders, employees, and investors can participate in equity ownership. However, because Akur8 is privately held, it is more challenging to acquire shares than if the company was publicly traded. 

Is Akur8 publicly traded?

No, Akur8 is a privately held company. It is not publicly traded or offered directly on any stock exchange like the NYSE, Nasdaq, etc. 

Who owns Akur8 stock?

As a privately held company, Akur8 shares are held by its founders, management, employees, venture capital funds, or other private individuals and institutional investors. 

Disclosure rules differ for private and public companies, so it may not always be possible to know the complete ownership (cap table) of a private company like Akur8.

What is the stock symbol for Akur8?

Akur8 is a privately held company. Therefore, it does not have a stock symbol or “ticker” that trades on public exchanges like the NYSE, Nasdaq, etc. 

Can I buy Akur8 stock on UpMarket?

If you would like to buy shares in Akur8, please provide your information in the form at the top of this page and click the button titled “I want to buy this stock.”

One of our investor relations team members will contact you to discuss Akur8 stock availability. Note: inquiries are non-binding, subject to market availability, and shares may only be purchased by accredited investors that meet all eligibility criteria.

UpMarket has offered many similar companies as Pre-IPO investments, including Airbnb, SpaceX, ByteDance, Plaid, Kraken, Databricks, and others. UpMarket also often has funds available that invest in a portfolio of companies potentially including, Akur8 as well.

What is Akur8 stock price?

The stock price of Akur8 can be calculated by taking the valuation of the company divided by the number of shares outstanding. Because a private company can issue new shares at any time, we do not know the current number of shares outstanding.

For illustrative purposes, however, assuming Akur8 has issued 250 million shares, at the estimated UpMarket valuation of $29.12 million, each share of Akur8 stock would be worth $0.12.

How do Akur8 pre-IPO trades work?

Pre-IPO trades for Akur8 will typically involve accredited investors purchasing shares from current shareholders through specialized investment platforms like UpMarket. Trades generally occur on the secondary market, meaning Akur8 doesn't issue new shares or receive capital–shares are privately exchanged between two parties.

While investors aim to profit from a potential IPO or acquisition, these investments carry high risks due to limited liquidity and information. Understanding all terms and conditions is crucial, as each transaction can have unique characteristics. Investing in private companies can be extremely risky and may result in significant capital loss.

When is Akur8 going to go public?

The decision to go public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is complex and depends on various factors, including the company's financial performance, market conditions, and strategic goals.

Unless Akur8 officially announces its intention to go public, any predictions about when or if it will do so would be speculative.

Investors interested in Akur8 should monitor official company communications and reliable financial news sources for any updates regarding potential IPO plans.

How do I exit my investment if I invest in Akur8 with UpMarket?

Exiting your investment in Akur8 typically involves one of these scenarios:  1) selling your shares on a secondary market to other interested investors; 2) holding shares until a liquidity event occurs, such as the company going public (IPO) or being acquired.

Investors must know that the timing and availability of these exit options are inherently unpredictable, and there is no guarantee of when or if they will occur.

How can I sell Akur8 shares?

If you own Akur8 shares, you may be able to find a buyer on a pre-IPO marketplace or via an introduction by a registered broker-dealer like UpMarket.  It is important to note that the class of shares you own may impact your ability to sell. For example, shares issued to startup employees often have transaction limitations, including lock-up periods and a right of first refusal by the company, which may prevent you from selling your shares freely.

How does UpMarket estimate the valuation of Akur8?

UpMarket’s valuation estimate for Akur8 is algorithmically generated based on recent primary round financings by Akur8, market conditions, company popularity, sector performance, and public market comps.

It is important to note that UpMarket’s valuation estimate for Akur8 could be outdated, may not reflect all recent news or market events, and is not intended to inform any investment decision-making. UpMarket’s valuation estimate is not meant to be a warranty or projection of potential financial returns or company performance. Valuations can change rapidly and unexpectedly.

Why choose UpMarket? 

UpMarket was founded in 2019 and has helped hundreds of investors access alternative investments. UpMarket is a licensed broker-dealer based in the United States. UpMarket customers have invested over $150 million in pre-IPO companies, hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and other alternatives.

If you are an accredited investor, you can create a free account to access our deal flow and opportunities. There is never any pressure to invest.

UpMarket clients have invested in companies like Akur8, SpaceX, Neuralink, Anthropic, and many others. UpMarket and its leadership have been mentioned in media outlets like Forbes, WealthManagement, Wealth and Finance News, and TechBullion.

Akur8 Management

Name Position
Samuel Falmagne CEO
Franck Zerbib CTO

Akur8 Investors

Plug and Play Tech Center

MTech Capital

Guidewire Software

FinTLV Ventures

BlackFin Capital Partners

WEVE Acceleration

Akur8 Related Companies

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  • A large barrier to entry due to high investment minimums
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